The Best Way to Think About Framing in House

Is the glass half full or half empty? How does seeing it ane fashion frame everything else you later determine about both drinking glass and water? Would seeing information technology the other style change your view?

Imagine you and I are walking across the desert with a unmarried canteen. You're thirsty and ask me how much water we accept left. I wait and tell you not to worry, we have plenty. The canteen is half full. Yous take a potable. Or maybe after looking I mutter uh oh under my jiff with a worried expression and tell you the canteen is half empty. You make up one's mind to wait a little longer for your drink.

In either instance there was exactly the aforementioned amount of water in the canteen, however my reaction and conclusion of how much h2o is in the canteen frames the situation. Information technology gives a context to a bottle one-half full and half empty. That frame, that context, alters your decisions and judgements about the bottle, the water inside, every bit well as your behavior when it comes to taking a beverage.

Framing a picture frame

The Framing Effect

The framing event is the thought that manipulating the way information is presented can influence and alter decision making and judgement near that information. Through the use of images, words, and by presenting a general context effectually the data presented we tin influence how people think nigh that information.

Framing is used exceedingly frequently in politics. Ane side sets the context for passing a beak as the end of humanity while the other side frames the state of affairs of not passing the neb as the end of humanity. If you lot really want to understand how framing works report a political election in great item as objectively as possible. Learn the facts and and then lookout man how both sides present those facts to you in lodge to influence you.

The context in which information is delivered shapes assumptions and perceptions most that data. Information taken out of context is oft meaningless. Information inside a context, within a frame is altered past that context and frame.

People attain conclusions based on the framework within which a situation is presented.

Positive frames tend to elicit positive feelings and result in risk taking and proactive behavior. Negative frames tend to arm-twist negative feelings and effect in risk disfavor and reactive behavior. Stress and the pressure of time dilate both.

A common sales technique is to present your product in a positive frame, presenting your competitors product in a negative frame, and presenting the customer with a time sensitive offer requiring a quick decision.

When people are exposed to multiple and alien frames it causes cognitive dissonance and the framing effect is reduced and neutralized leaving people to rely more than on their own internal frames that have been created over time.

A frame is a reference indicate for all future decisions and judgements. Frames set expectations, which leads united states to…


The Expectation Effect

If you think you lot tin can exercise a affair or remember you tin can't do a matter, y'all're right.
—Henry Ford

The expectation upshot is the idea that perception and behavior change every bit a result of personal expectations or the expectations of others. Once a person believes something, the belief lone creates the possibility that it will happen.

Some examples of the expectation issue that may be familiar to y'all:

  • Halo effect– an employee'southward functioning is rated meliorate based on overall positive impressions and not specifically their performance
  • Hawthorne issue – employees go more productive based on the belief that changes to their piece of work surroundings will increase productivity
  • Pygmalion effect – students perform better/worse when teachers expect them to
  • Placebo event – patients feel treatment benefits based on the conventionalities that the treatment will work
  • Rosenthal effect – teachers treat students differently based on expectations of how they volition perform
  • Demand characteristics – people respond in interviews or experiments in ways they believe are expected past the interviewer or experimenter

In order for the expectation issue to come into play the expectations set must be credible. It'south important that we believe something may happen in order to to create the expectations that influence the states. Think again most the framing effect for a moment. A big function of framing is setting expectations past placing information within a certain context.

A credible presentation will pb to the expectation effect in virtually thirty% of whatever audience. Being somewhat vague helps as it leads people to interpret things based on their internal expectations. Think nigh astrology or psychic predictions. Both are presented vaguely. You interpret them with your own expectations altering your behavior to the degree where the predictions come up true.

The expectation effect is temporary in nature. Any changed behavior reverts back to a baseline subsequently a time, which leads u.s. to…

Long exposure capturing lights

The Exposure Effect

The exposure upshot, also called the mere exposure outcome, is the idea that repeated exposures to things that nosotros have neutral or positive feelings about increases the likability of those things. We favor the familiar and mistrust the new and different. Repetition breeds familiarity. We develop preferences for things merely because they are familiar

The exposure outcome is one of the basic concepts behind advertising. You lot see an ad in a magazine or a commercial on TV over and again and after a fourth dimension become more probable to purchase the product being advertised.

Repeated exposure to an ad works improve than a unmarried exposure. For most businesses y'all're better off buying a small ad in the same location in the local paper every week for 6 months than you would exist taking out a full folio ad in one case.

It's important that the perception to the stimuli being repeated is neutral or positive. Repeated exposure to negative stimuli will more likely amplify the negative perception.

The strongest exposure effect is seen with photographs, meaningful words, names, and simple shapes. The weakest effects are seen with icons, people, and auditory stimuli. Circuitous and interesting tends to pb to a stronger effect than simple and wearisome.

As the number of exposures and the duration of each exposure increases, the outcome begins to weaken. There'southward a point of diminishing returns. Familiarity tin also breed contempt. Brief and subtle (subliminal) exposures work all-time, especially when each exposure is separated past some time. The effect will be strongest for the first 10 impressions.

Again allow's remember back to the framing effect. Framing is non a one time thing. You oft build a frame over time with repeated exposures to the context you lot're trying to ready. A series of small and consistent letters can build a frame that will be seen in either a positive or negative light.

Think branding. Branding makes great use of the exposure consequence. The more exposures to your make (bold your brand is initially seen in a neutral or positive light) eventually leads to a more positive perception of your brand. You create a positive message that builds a frame and your consistency with that message increases the exposure leading to more positive associations with your brand.

The Effect of Design

Hopefully afterward reading through the above you can see how each of these 3 effects can be put to utilise in your designs to influence your audience.

Framing the Tower

Framing Event

Visual design is framing. Your design sets a mood, creates the emotion, and puts your audience in the right frame of mind to absorb the message. Your visuals set the context for the message. The initial impressions your pattern conveys frames everything that comes after.

The frame you create needs to be credible. It needs to be based on reality. Yous can't make up a story that isn't true and expect it to stick. The more in harmony your visuals are with the company message the better the frame and the stronger the framing upshot volition be.

Within a pattern use positive framing to move people to action and negative frames to move them toward inaction. Frame your own message in a positive light and if y'all're ok with it frame your competition in a negative low-cal. If your contest has built a positive frame around their product offer another frame that conflicts with theirs.

On a different notation think virtually how your pattern can create a positive experience for your visitors and what kind of a frame that positive experience builds. Is your site usable? Is it enjoyable? Does information technology brand people desire to spend time on the site and come dorsum for more? Yes or no, what do you lot think people will tell others about your site and what kind of frame volition that build for those people?

Placebo Meds

Expectation Effect

Your frame will assistance create expectations and the expectations you set will help persuade your audience (PDF). Remember not to make promises you can't proceed. The expectation issue lasts but so long. Broken promises create a new fix of expectations that yous probably prefer non be set.

Set expectations for your audition in a apparent fashion rather than letting them form their ain unbiased conclusions. Don't lie, simply do nudge them toward the conclusions you lot want them to draw.

You hear all the time to talk benefits over features. Features don't set expectations. Benefits exercise. Endeavour to get people to imagine themselves using and enjoying your products or services. It volition set a positive expectation in their heed.

In your own work call back non to allow expectations inhibit your creativity. Don't effort to live up to the expectations of others or set expectations for yourself based on work you admire.

When it comes to usability think conventions. What are conventions? They're expectations nigh how something will conduct. In regards to testing be careful almost influencing test subjects by setting expectations for them. As designers we're naturally biased in favor of our designs. Nosotros don't desire to pass that bias on to those testing our designs and have them react in means they call back we expect them to react.

Advertising exposure

Exposure Effect

The expectation effect has express duration. Frames have a more lasting result when built over time. Increasing exposures helps both.

Be consequent and subtle in your message as both lead to a stronger outcome. Employ photographs (production images) and more than meaningful words. Exposure to names works well. Think brands and product names. Make them meaningful. Every page of your site should make obvious the brand name. Every product page should make obvious the name of the product.

Repeat calls to activeness across pages instead of leaving them in a single place to increment exposure. Expose people to your message on and off your site prior to forcing the call to activeness on them.

Be subtle. Also much in your face message weakens the issue. You lot don't need to always push button the purchase message at people. Show them images of people enjoying your product without asking them to buy. Weave happy testimonials through your site. Offer subtle mentions from fourth dimension to fourth dimension in web log posts that your visitors will be happy with your products.

When information technology comes to ad remember that there's a diminishing render to exposure. Remember ad blindness. Mix up where you advertise and remember the exposure effect is strongest for the first ten or so impressions and that placing some time between exposures also helps strengthen the effect.

With new and unlike designs expect some resistance if your design deviates enough from the norm. Be aware that usability conventions piece of work in part because people take been exposed to them time and again. Nosotros mistrust the new until we've seen information technology enough for it to become familiar. Consider most any famous artist or revolutionary thinkers throughout history. Many were heavily criticized during their lifetimes. Exposure to their "radical" ideas led to familiarity and eventually a more positive critique.


Let me share some communication I recently read on launching a new product. My apologies to the person who offered the communication since I tin't call back where it came from. I call up it was Brian Clarke, but I'thousand not entirely sure.

Prior to launching a product start mentioning the problem information technology aims to solve on your blog. Talk showtime about the problem that you and others likely accept. Then brainstorm talking well-nigh existing solutions to the problem in part to help your audience and in part to make clear how none of the existing solutions are ideal. Finally offering your product, your new solution to the problem that's improve than any of the current solutions to the problem.

Now call up about the above in terms of the three furnishings we've been discussing here. Your repeated discussion about the problem and solutions increases exposure. Your mention of the inadequacies of existing solutions sets negative expectations for them and indirectly sets positive expectations for whatever solution that overcomes these inadequacies. By the time y'all launch, yous've built a positive frame every bit the context for your product. The combination of all iii should take your audience predisposed to wanting to buy your production at launch.

The framing upshot, the expectation effect, and the exposure effect are 3 very powerful ways to influence people in your favor, especially when all three work in combination.

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